Tractor Supply Co PAC

FAQs About the PAC

The Tractor Supply Company Political Action Committee (PAC) is being established to support our goal of taking care of our customers, the communities where we do business, our employees and shareholders. Much of what we do to fulfill that goal can be affected by decisions made by elected officials who may know little about Tractor Supply or our mission to provide people the one-stop shop they need to live the “out here” lifestyle. Having a PAC is one way of making sure our voice is heard distinctly from those of our competitors.

PACs aren’t new, but this is the first time Tractor Supply has had one. We’re providing a few answers to the most commonly asked questions surrounding PACs so you have the information you need to be confident in supporting Tractor Supply PAC. 

Frequently Asked Questions

PACs support candidates and elected officials who understand how the decisions they make impact companies like ours. Tractor Supply PAC is made up of eligible team members who want to support Tractor Supply’s business objectives and a create healthy business climate for our business to grow. 
You might be tempted to think everyone knows about Tractor Supply since we operate 1,900 stores in 49 states, but the fact is many lawmakers who make decisions that impact our business don’t. Political contributions are often the best way to make sure elected officials know about us and our issues. PACs are proven to help companies get their messages out.  PACs don’t ever buy votes, but they make sure our voice is heard – then, we have to have the best set of facts to win. 
Tractor Supply PAC is non-partisan and will support candidates from both parties. We will support candidates, regardless of political affiliation, who support good policy solutions for our company and the issues important to us. Building relationships with elected officials on both sides of the aisle is crucial to ensuring Tractor Supply has a voice by elected officials at all levels of government.
No. Contributions, by law, are completely voluntary and will not affect your standing with the company in any way, either positively or negatively. 
When you join the PAC, you’ll tell us if you want to make a modest contribution each month through payroll deduction or credit card.  We’ll then pool the contributions of PAC members, and the Tractor Supply PAC Board will select candidates to support. The board will consider a number of issues, such as candidates’ alignment with our issues, a candidate’s position on a legislative committee important to Tractor Supply, or their leadership status in Congress or the legislature.
No. PAC contributions are NOT tax deductible. 
The maximum PAC contribution is $5,000 per year. When you decide to join the PAC, you choose the level at which you feel comfortable contributing. There are different club levels, each with different benefits.
All Tractor Supply PAC participants will receive regular updates including the Crop Report PAC newsletter and Fresh PACked Action Alerts on urgent matters and important votes.  PAC members will also have opportunities to be involved with elected officials through calls or meetings.  PAC Members will also be asked to help with political grassroots.  
No. We will not share your information with candidates or use it to communicate with you outside of matters relevant to the PAC. 
We don’t want to see you go, but if you’d like to discontinue your participation in the Tractor Supply PAC, please email Bess Anderson at and you will be removed.